HEALTH SERVICES: Counselling, Health Nurse, Physio


Students have access to two highly qualified and experienced counsellors, Natalie Gould and Susan Pankhurst

Both counsellors are available during school hours to talk about students concerns for themselves or others. Issues raised can range from general well-being, family issues, grief, anxiety, stress or anything that may be impacting negatively on the wellness of our young people.

Whānau members/caregivers are welcome to make contact if they are concerned about their teens.


We also have an onsite school nurse,  Georgia Nelson-Negus, , (03) 982 1690 ext 804

The Catholic Cathedral School Nurse is part of a team of Nurse Maude School Based Nurses in Christchurch.  Free and confidential health services including is avaialble for all students. The Health Nurse works closely with the school counsellors on some issues and this allows a more holistic approach to health care.​​​​​​​

The Health Clinic is open 

Monday 8.30am-3.30pm

Thursday 8.30am - 3.30pm 

Friday - 8.30am - 2.30pm

No appointment is necessary (although for non-urgent problems, students are encouraged to visit during their breaks).  


Every Wednesday we have on-site Physio services available to all students. To make an appointment the students need to go to the Student Office and make an appointment.