Cantamath 2017

Cantamath is a mathematics competition where schools from throughout Canterbury compete against each other. The competition consists of 20 questions that need to be answered in 30 minutes.

The competition was fierce and all the teams competed well. As an added bonus Jacob Dowling received an Excellence award in the Wearable Maths category for his entry "The Prime Attraction".

We are all very proud of how the teams competed and we look forward to the competition in 2018.

2017 Team Members

Year 7

Keith Blackmun

Anaru Caldwell

Ella Dewar

Charlotte Palmer

Year 8

Alex Horn

Gemma Doocey

Joshua Bryant

Year 9

Andrew Bancale

Lydia Palaiologou

Amy Stewart

Xian Tan

Year 10

Jacob Dowling

Chanel Muir

Raziel Manuel

Bernard McCulloch


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