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The Catholic Cathedral College Foundation is an initiative set up by the Board of Trustees and launched on 31st March 2006.

The Foundation has Charitable Trust status and the Board consists of past pupils of Sacred Heart and Xavier Colleges. The aim of the trust is to support financially the College building programme.

The launch of the Foundation in 2006 was attended by past pupils, teachers and other supporters and old acquaintances were renewed from past college days. After a welcome and prayer, the Hon Jim Anderton gave an address. This was followed by a presentation of the vision of the College by the Principal. At the conclusion of formalities, everyone was invited to mix and mingle, renew old acquaintances, catch up on news and partake of some refreshments.

The occasion was a very happy ‘reunion’ that strengthened our links with past pupils of Sacred Heart, Xavier and Catholic Cathedral College and helped to create a sound financial base for our development plans.

If you are a past pupil and would like to contribute to the Foundation, please contact the office for more details.