Not only does Catholic Cathedral College achieve leading academic results, we also have an extensive programme dedicated to identifying and extending our Gifted and Talented students. ​​​​​​​The GATE programme at Catholic Cathedral College is built upon three main principles: Identification, Enrichment, Acceleration


Catholic Cathedral College gathers evidence from a wide range of sources (including teachers and whanau) to develop a register of GATE students.  Students’ needs are flagged for easy identification by teachers on our student management system.


Catholic Cathedral College is always looking for special interest activities (such as competitions or challenges) that students can participate in outside of the classroom.  These may be offsite and outside of school hours.


Teachers work together to build a curriculum that is at an appropriate level for our GATE students.  Professional learning is available for staff on different strategies we can use to engage and extend gifted and talented students.

Some of our most recent opportunities for GATE students include:

  • Write on! Writing Workshops

  • Science challenges such as Brain Bee and EPro8

  • Te Reo extension programmes offered at Tūranga

  • CantaMaths competitions

  • Ethic Olympiad (special character debates)

  • Kapa Haka and other cultural activities

  • Academy Conferences gifted and talented study day

  • Musical Extension

For more information on the Gifted and Talented Education programme at Catholic Cathedral College, feel free to get in touch with our GATE Coordinator.  Likewise, if you know of any extension opportunities that are worthwhile looking into please send them through as we are always interested in new and exciting challenges for our students.

Myrna Burroughs

GATE Coordinator